Albert Einstein biography or Albert Einstein inventions and facts
Albert einstein biography or albert einstein inventions and facts
Albert einstein

Albert Einstein biography or Albert Einstein inventions and facts-Famous intellectuals of human history, Albert Einstein - Albert Einstein lived in the world's science world for the first 20 years of the 20th century. Based on his findings, he gave the principles of space, time and gravitation. Let us read some important points about the life of this great scientist.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein Biography -
Full Name - Albert Hermann Einstein
Birthdate- (March 14, 1879)
Birthplace- Ulma (Germany)
Father -Hermann Einstein
Mother - Pauline Koch
In Switzerland, he started his education.
Spent four years at the Polytechnical Academy of Zurich.
Taking the title of Stanka in 1900
Switzerland accepted citizenship.,
Einstein from the University of Zurich in 1905
P.H.D. Has received the title of.
Wife first with Marice
Second with Elisa Loven Thal
Death (death) April 18, 1955

The early life of Albert Einstein:

        Albert Einstein was born on 14 March 1879 in the Jewish family of Wittenberg in Germany. His father Hermann Einstein was an engineer and salesman. While his mother, Polyn Einstein was a housewife. In 1880, his family moved to Munich, where his father and uncle had Elektrotechnische Fabrik J. Einstein & Co. A company named The company made electric appliances and it also arranged for the first time at Munich's Oktoberfest Fair.
Albert einstein biography or albert einstein inventions and facts
Albert Einstein and his wife

        The Albert Einstein family did not consider Jewish religious traditions. That's why Einstein went to study in Catholic school. But later, at the age of 8, he moved from there to the Leopold gymnasium (today known as Albert Einstein Gymnasium), where he took secondary and higher secondary education, he stayed there until the next 7 years. They did not leave Germany.

        In 1895, at the age of 16, Instant took the Entrance Examination of the Swiss Federal Polytechnic, Zürich, which was later known as Edigenossische Technische Hochschule (ETH). Except for the subject of physics and mathematics, they failed to get enough marks in other subjects. And finally, on the advice of the Principal of Polytechnic, he went to Argovian Cantonal School, Aru, Switzerland. He completed his higher secondary education in 1895-96.

Albert Einstein inventions and facts:

        Albert Einstein invented many, for which his name began to be counted among famous scientists. Some of his inventions are as follows:
Quantum Theory of Light - In Quantum Theory of Einstein's Light, he composed the small sac of the energy called the photon, which has a wave-like characteristic. In his theory, he explained the emission of electrons with some metals. They composed the photoelectric effect. After this theory, he invented television, which is shown through art science. Many such devices have been invented in modern times.
E = MC square - Einstein has certified an equation between mass and energy; today it is called Nuclear Energy.

        Brovannian Movement -

This can be called Albert Einstein's biggest and best search, where he observed the jizzeg movement in the suspension of atoms, which is helpful in the evidence of the existence of molecules and atoms. We all know that in today's time, most of the science is the main in all branches. Read the miracle essay on science here.

        Special Theory of Relativity 
explained the relationship between time and speed in this theory of Albert Einstein. According to the continuous and speed of light in the universe, the speed of light is described. General Theory of Relativity - Albert Einstein proposed that the gravitational space-time is the Curve field in the Continuum, which tells of the masses.

        He was appointed professor at the University of Zurich and the people started to consider him as a great scientist. In the year 1905, at the age of 26, he enacted the theory of cognitive, which made him world famous. On this subject, he wrote only four articles that changed the face of physics. The famous equation of this principle is E = mc2, due to which the atom bomb was formed. Due to this, the foundation of the electric power was laid. Due to this, research on sound film and TV can be done. Einstein received the world famous Nobel Prize for his search.

        After taking a bachelor's degree, he considered teaching students, but due to his knowledge of Albert, he did not get a job in the beginning. In 1902, Albert Einstein received a temporary job in Berne, Switzerland. Now he got a lot of time to write and publish his research articles. He started working hard to get a doctorate degree and in the end, he got the title of Doctorate.