
Biography: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Biography: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Biography: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Biography: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, who is also known as India’s Iron Man. Who was the freedom fighter of India and after the independence of India, he was also the country’s first Home Minister and Deputy Prime Minister? In the Bardoli Satyagraha (it was a major peasant movement in Gujarat in 1928), people gave him the title of Sardar for his priceless contribution. Sardar Patel was also a famous lawyer, but he put his whole life in freedom for India.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.

Name / Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (His full Name — Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel)

Born / 31 October 1875, Nadiad, Gujarat

Died / 15 December 1950 (in the age of 75) Maharashtra

Parents/ Zaverbhai Patel and Ladba Devi

Nationality / Citizenship Indian

Field / Area / Fame Reason Advocacy, Politics, Freedom Fighter

Achievement / India’s first Home Minister, First Deputy Prime Minister

Early life Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was born on October 31, 1875, in a prosperous landowner family of Lata Patidar, his Nanihal Karamdesh village, which was in Gujarat. He was the fourth child of his parents. He was the great Somabhai, Narasibhai and Vittalbhai. Among them, Vithalbhai and Vallabhbhai took part in the national movement and achieved a significant place in Indian history. He also had a sister named Dabihah, and she was the youngest. His father Zaverbhai Patel was an ordinary farmer and mother Ladba Devi was a housewife. Since childhood, he used to work hard and hard-working and used to distribute his father in farming.

In the traditional Hindu environment, Sardar Patel, who grew up in elementary education, got an elementary education, but he got most of his knowledge from Swadhyaya. At 16, he got married and in 22 he passed the matriculation examination and after that; he got an admission to the District Attorney’s examination which he got permission to advocate. It sees parents’ attributes in the character of patience, patience, tolerance, love of country-love, Vallabhbhai.

After going to London, he studied Barristers and after completing his studies; he came back and advocated in Ahmedabad. Inspired by the views of Mahatma Gandhi, he took part in India’s independence movement and made his important contribution.

Contribution to the Independence Movement:
Sardar Patel’s first contribution in the independence movement took place in the Kheda Satyagraha of 1918. In the Kheda district of Gujarat, those days were in the grip of severe drought. The farmers demanded a huge tax exemption from the British government. When this was not accepted, Sardar Patel, Mahatma Gandhi and others led the farmers and motivated them not to do so. The government leaned and relief in the tax in that year. Because of this satyagraha, there was a new sharpness and enthusiasm in the life of Gujarat and a confidence level of space. This was a Sardar Patel’s first success.

Art Bardoli Satyagraha of 1928 has been the most organized, comprehensive and successful movement of “Indian National Movement”. It was a major peasant movement in Gujarat in 1928 that, led by Vallabh Bhai Patel. The provincial government had increased the rent of farmers by up to 30%. Patel strongly opposes this lean hike. The government took strong measures to crush this Satyagraha movement, but eventually, it was constrained to accept the demands of the farmers. A judicial officer, Bloomfield and Maxwell, a revenue officer, investigated the entire case and corrected the 22% penalty, and reduced it to 6.03%. Women also played an important role in this movement, which is notable in the names of the Parsi women of Bombay, Methuen Pandit, Bhaktiva, Moneyben Patel, Daughter Shardaben Shah and Shahadarshah. After the success of this Satyagraha movement, the women of that place gave the title of ‘Sardar’ to Vallabhbhai Patel.

Although after Independence, he was the main contender for the country’s prime minister and most of the provincial Congress committees and the people of the country were in his favor, but due to the diplomacy of the British and Gandhi’s wish this dream of the countrymen could not be completed and Patel himself Kept away from the prime ministerial race and supported Jawaharlal Nehru for this. He was given the charge of Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister.
His priority as the Home Minister was to make indigenous princely states (states) in India. Under the Indian Independence Act, 1947, Patel wanted to make the state of all the states economically and philosophically strong. For his great contributions to integrating India, someone knows him as “Iron Man of India — Iron Man of India”. He died in 1950. After this, Nehru’s Congress has little resistance left.

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