Saint Francis Xavier short biography
Saint Francis Xavier short biography |
Francis Xavier was born on 7 April, l506 in the castle of Xavier, about ‘40 km from the city of Pamplona in the north of Spain. His mother was Maria de Azpilcueta. His father Dr Juan de Jassu, was the Finance Minister and the president of the Royal Council of Navarra.
Francis was the pet of everybody in the household. He had a happy childhood. Francis enrolled as a candidate for the priesthood and in I525 Francis Xavier went to Paris for his studies. In l529 he passed his first important examination-Bachelor of Arts. Thereafter he got the degree of Master of Arts. After this, he began his three and a half year term as a professor in a college.
Francis Xavier became the founding member of the Jesuit Order (I 534). He became a priest at Venice (|537) and served in Rome until I540. He came to the Portuguese colony of Goa in i542. From here he travelled to Southern India, Malacca, various lands of the East Indies, Japan and China. In 10 years, Francis Xavier had visited many places. Wherever he went he taught the people a new way of life founded on Lõve for God and neighbors, victory over selfishness and cruelty and happiness forever. Throughout his life, Francis Xavier worked for the poor, the sick, the prisoners and for all those who were in need. For them, he begged and worked hard all his life.
Saint Francis Xavier short biography |
Francis Xavier died in China on 2 December, I552. His body was brought to India and is kept in a silver casket in the Basilica at Old Goa. Francis Xavier was the torchbearer of Christ. He was declared a Saint in I622.